Compressed Air Management – Partnering with Technology to Optimize Your Compressed Air System

Technology is constantly adapting, and the compressed air industry has seen an evolution of technological advancements. The collaboration of humans, machines, information, and organization leverages technology for integrated operation. This combination is driven to deliver a unique solution to each manufacturing plant in order to maximize the overall productivity and efficiency.

At Air Handling Equipment, we help our customers take the next steps in developing their unique solution. We have experience starting from scratch and updating existing air compressor systems. Our goal is to educate and provide the right technology tools to bring these solutions to life.

We’ve partnered with the following technological solutions to maximize the productivity of compressed air systems:

Sequencing Systems

Gardner Denver (GD) is a leading supplier of sequencing systems, and Air Handling Equipment is proud to offer GD state-of-the-art technology. Each sequencing system is fully customizable to meet your specific needs and compressor room designs. With easy-to-use visual options and the ability to optimize existing compressed air systems, this system software can be designed to promote optimal performance.

Unsure of what a sequencing system does? Sequencing systems are tailor-made to automate compressors performances to a manufacturing plant’s requirements. By implementing plant perimeters, sequencers harmonize the workload of the compressors within a manufacturing plant to eliminate energy waste by tightening the network pressure to the narrowest pressure band.

Sequencers are also set to equalize the running hours of a customer’s fleet of compressors for economic servicing, increased uptime, and elongating the lifecycle of the compressors. Energy management is becoming more important to our customers, and the highest cost factor of a compressor is the energy to run it. Due to the high percentage of energy use of a compressor, there is also great potential for high cost savings, which is where sequencers come into play. This makes sequencing systems, like those offered by Gardner Denver, a profitable investment.

Remote Monitoring

Compressed air systems are crucial components to overall production. Remote monitoring systems allow for 360 degrees of real-time performance tracking of your air compressors, so you can stay one step ahead of potential issues from anywhere in the world.

Air Handling Equipment partners with AIRMATICS Compressor Management Technology and Gardner Denver ICONN to provide customers with the smartest technology monitoring systems on the market. Data is collected and analyzed in real time, providing up-to-date system health scans and performance insights. If a machine error or fault occurs, immediate notifications are sent via email or text.

Whether you need monitoring of a standalone air compressor or a system fleet of compressors, Air Handling Equipment has you covered. Our experienced professionals are capable of locally installing systems on a variety of small to large-scale operations. Remote monitoring enables all compressors to be interconnected, creating a unified network of instant feedback and automatic performance and output adjustments.

Remote monitoring systems can also be programmed to send preventative maintenance (PM) reminders. Air Handling Equipment offers preventative maintenance on a routine schedule, but PM reminders add additional peace-of-mind by monitoring critical maintenance items.

Flow Controllers

Flow controllers are designed to maintain stable system pressure when downstream air demand changes quickly. These devices help regulate the compressed air pressure level (PSI) being supplied to your machines, ensuring compressed air delivery at the minimum required pressure level is being received for an optimal energy-efficient operation. By controlling and regulating the airflow, you can ensure greater efficiency of your compressor, resulting in a longer service life.

Enabling operations of the compressed air system at a lower overall pressure reduces air loss through leaks. Wasted air is one of the most costly expenses for inefficient air compressors. Systems are often operated at pressure higher than required to overcome false demand from air leaks, which makes compressors work harder than they have to. Flow controllers, like the Gardner Denver XMX Series and ZEKS XPANDAIR Series (both offered through Air Handling Equipment), recognize and react to increases in flow demand. Flow controllers will ensure your compressed air systems still receive an adequate air supply, while lowering high energy consumption and wasted air.

Flow Meters

Compressed air requires more electricity than most industrial equipment and can quickly impact a manufacturer’s bottom line.
While flow controllers adjust air flow, flow meters can determine when and where compressed air is used and identify waste. Measuring flow rate allows you to optimize compressed air distribution and know when to use and shut down compressed air. Monitored data quantifies the rate at which air is moving and provides valuable information about your system’s performance.

Dew Point Meters

Moisture can render compressed air equipment useless and damage the equipment along with production equipment downstream. Dew Point Meters measure temperature and relative humidity to calculate the current dew point, ensuring compressed air systems aren’t subjected to damaging levels of condensation. High moisture levels are not only harmful for your system, but can also negatively affect your final product, increasing your scrap rate. Installing a dew point meter can be used as a safeguard to proactively respond to compressed air equipment service needs, before issues arise.

Ultrasonic Leak Detection

As we mentioned earlier, wasted air is costly. Ultrasonic Leak Detection uses advanced technology to provide an overall picture of how your system is performing and where it could be losing air. Air Handling Equipment has partnered with SONOTEC to offer innovative, reliable equipment for leak detection. Testing devices, custom software, and acoustic cameras create a full-service system for detecting and classifying leaks. To provide a more in-depth description of the capabilities of the SONOSCREEN Acoustic Camera alone, the SONOTEC website states:

“The handheld acoustic camera SONASCREEN generates acoustic images from both the audible and ultrasound frequency range. The device locates sound sources in real time and displays the results immediately on the screen. Furthermore, the camera provides audible feedback through industrial headphones. We make ultrasound audible and visible.”

Not only are you provided with data about leak detection, but the camera allows you to actually see and hear it.


Technology has revolutionized the way air compressors are optimized. By using advanced sensors, controllers and software systems, businesses can now monitor their air compressor performance in real-time and automatically make precise adjustments to ensure maximum efficiency. This means that businesses can save time and money by minimizing downtime due to mechanical problems or inefficient operation of their equipment.

Air Handling Equipment has been in the compressed air industry since 1977. What does this mean for our customers? This means we have watched the advancement of compressed air systems for over 45 years. We know what it takes to optimize each unique system for our customers to ensure peak performance and bottom line protection. Let us help you identify the technology that best fits your needs and creates a winning system.

With office locations in Sidney, Loveland, and Gahanna, Air Handling Equipment has provided compressed air system solutions to the Midwestern and Southern Ohio markets since 1977. This includes proudly serving the greater Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton, Lima, and Findlay, Ohio areas. For questions about our selection of air compressors, call one of our locations or fill out our online contact form, and someone from our team will get back to you as soon as possible.